Agami is Special SIM for Students Who got GPA5 at SSC and HSC Powered by Teletalk. Every Year a programmed organized to celebrate the success of GPA 5 holders.In the mean time a registration go on for this Special SIM. In 2013 total 70 thousands of students given this Agami SIM by Teletalk. Note That, other prepaid user Can not migrate to Agami and also GPA 5 holders has to collect this when registration offered.
Registration Process
1. Send a sms from Teletalk
Type "GPA5BoardRollPassing YearMobile No and Send to 16222
Example "GPA5 Dhaka 123456 2013 01XXXXXXXXX" and Send to 16222
2. In reply sms you will get name and a registration number
3.If You are 18+ at age register as your name or Under 18years register with guardian name
visit or for online registration
4. You should select your nearest teletalk customer care in online registration process from where you will collect the AGAMI SIM.
Print Registration form.
If you don't get SMS from Teletalk then click the below link to know SIM collecting schedule(date and time).
SIM Collection | Things Needed
- bring online registration form printed (If you want to reprint
- Guardians 2 passport size photo
- Guardians National ID Photocopy
- Student Admit Card of SSC and Its Photocopy
- Filled Up SAF Form from online or will be available at customer care
To know about teletalk agami sim and other news
GPA5 Help Board Roll Passing Year likhe send 16222 number e
Registraton Time 01.010.14 to 15.11.14
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